Then they start growing up. And start getting in all sorts of trouble. It will all come to technicalities and pyrotechnics. And lots of sequels; Dragonball Z, GT.

Ready for the fight. Even Gokou seems to have lost his smile.

One big family. Yes, the Dragonball universe has just been getting bigger and bigger. And spread over movies, music, video games, action figures and toys.

But it's all for good. Now I'm not that big a fan of Dragonball, but I've seen a couple of fight sequences. And as long as they stand on the good side, they can teach children a big lesson.

And as the saying goes... A bunch of Saiyans can only mean one thing. Trouble.

Dragonball Summoning. When all the required seven Dragonballs are collected, the dragon can be summoned. The orbs will start to flicker with a glow, at which time the sky turns dark and the Dragon explodes out of the melted balls to fill the air with his presence. The summoner's wish can then be granted by the dragon.

Dragonball GT. The last chapter of the Dragonball saga, Grand Tour sees our hero Gokou travelling around the universe looking for the special black star dragonballs and picking up fights along the way.

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