My parents used to watch the Tom and Jerry cartoons, and I still watch them occasionally with my children. And to think that it is always a short story about a cat chasing a mouse.

Tom is the cat that does the chasing, but it is mostly him that gets the beating from the little mouse. However, unlike some other cartoons, Tom does get the upper hand over his rodent friend sometimes.

Jerry Mouse is the little guy, but what he lacks in size he makes up in his savvy play. He never accepts to be on the losing end, and likes his revenge while it's hot.

Every so often, Spike the dog joins the duo in causing more mayhem. He usually sides with Jerry, tipping the muscle scale to the mouse's side.

Even in prehistoric times, the cat was still trying to catch the mouse. The only difference is that they had more clothing back then.

Butch is a street cat that competes with Tom whenever he appears. Butch tries to eat the mouse and he tries to woo Tom's love Toodles for himself.

Here is Toodles. Pretty little white cat, isn't she?