Posted by
Lidya Endzo Kun iLLa
5:36 AM
300 is not just a number. It is a symbol of a brave people that stand proudly for the name of their nation against oppression by invaders and boldly go to face certain death to get their point across. And one of the best movies ever.
This is Sparta! And don't you ever forget it. The visuals are over the top, but effective and very memorable.
In this fictional Sparta, young boys grow up to be men. And everything is solved by beating things up.
At least that is the way of King Leonidas and 300 other people. Some of the other Spartans prefer to conspire with the enemy though.
Kill, kill, kill. Kill the Persians and kill their mercenaries, and then kill some more.
Watch your footing there mate. I would not want any accidents to happen. Too late!
If we are going to kill or get killed, just make sure that we are going to do it in a spectacular way. 300 has its roots as a comic and it shows.
Queen Gorgo loves her husband Leonidas even after she knows that she will not see him anymore. The queen is instrumental in rallying the Spartans together after her husband's death.
King Xerxes has infinite wealth and land and is in control of a vast army. But his downfall begins right here.
Posted by
Lidya Endzo Kun iLLa
2:44 AM
The moon looks down at the city below. Strangely, it is not raining today. By the way, are you a vampire or a lycan? Or just a measly human?
Let's start with the introductions. I think Selene you already know. It is why you came here in the first place right?
Michael Corvin is the toy that the warring vampires and lycans spend the entire movie playing around with.
Lucian is initially depicted as the bad guy, but he is actually the victim here. A victim of star-crossed love, no less.
Kraven is the useless guy really. He thinks he is in charge, but with or without him does not make any difference to the outcome of the plot.
Erika, on the other hand helps Selene to have her way to justice. And her chic gothic looks add a bit of a feminine touch to an otherwise gory outing. No offence to Kate!
Viktor (below right) is an old sod who is the one who has caused all the trouble in the first place. Which is why we are not giving him a complete wallpaper all for himself, eh? He also killed all of Selene's family and turned her into a vampire.
Posted by
Lidya Endzo Kun iLLa
3:31 AM
I found these pictures lying around on my hard disk, and fond memories started flowing back...
The story starts with a thunder storm looming in the background.
Little did Lester know that he will soon be transported to one of the most fantastic experiences that the Amiga computer could be able to give you at the time.
Great graphics, great gameplay, and a mysterious eerie landscape await our hero. Just an example of how a little overtime work can go horribly wrong.
Posted by
Lidya Endzo Kun iLLa
9:00 AM
Of all the Terminator films, Rise of the Machines was certainly the most disappointing.
Directed by Jonathon Mostow in place of James Cameron, Terminator 3 came across with all the gloss, polish and adrenaline of a Hollywood action film, and none of the grit and tension of Cameron's masterpieces.
But, interestingly enough, of the three Terminator films, Rise of the Machines may have been the best-situated out of the three in terms of its prescience.
In the film, John Connor (Nick Stahl) is living "off-the-grid", with nothing but the clothes of his back and his motorcycle. He works day jobs to subsist himself, and has no place of residence, credit cards, or cell phone -- nothing that would leave a record he could be traced by.
Even though he and his now-deceased mother, Sarah Connor, have been led to believe they had averted Judgment Day by destroying Skynet, Connor lives in terror of the future, and rightfully so.
The future isn't nearly as secure as he would like to believe.
An encounter with Kate Brewster (Claire Danes) brings John face-to-face with both the T-X -- played by Kristanna Loken, a Terminator sent back to the eve of Judgment Day to kill off Connor's someday lieutenants -- and with the T-800 sent back in time to protect her -- a role again reprised by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
As it turns out, the program that eventually leads to the creation of Skynet is still in operation. Brewster's father is the head of this project, and has his own concerns about removing human decision-making from defense planning. Meanwhile, an unstoppable computer virus is overwhelming the civilian internet, and is beginning to infiltrate defense networks.
The virus is Skynet. Whether it's been seeded in the past as seems to be happening in The Sarah Connor Chronicles or is created outside the defense program and merely infiltrates it remains unexplained.
As nuclear weapons cross the globe toward their targets, what is explained is that Skynet had presumably infiltrated millions of computers worldwide.
While one presumes that nothing as hyperbolic as a genocidal computer program plotting the wholesale destruction of humanity is currently occurring, it is a well known fact that many countries -- as well as private organizations and individuals -- have been investing in cyberwarfare capabilities that would allow them to strike at their opponents through their computer systems.
One particular cyberwarfare weapon, the zombie virus, uses infected computers to pass itself along to the next victim. It attaches itself to email and fax programs, and transmits itself through the user's own communications.
These programs can have purposes ranging from the theft of information to disruption of emergency services.
In Terminator 3, the virus' purpose was to facilitate the destruction of humankind.
Interestingly, the writers of Terminator 3 could be argued to accept the "inevitability thesis" of Andy Opel and Greg Elmer. But once again, one would have to counter by arguing that preemption is only as valuable as the amount of certainty with which it can be executed, and as the diligence used to ensure that the threat it is aimed at is actually destroyed.